Cllr. Colin Baldwin Local Conservative Councillor for Moreton West & Saughall Massie First elected in May 2023 Former volunteer driver at Moreton Day Centre Councillors
Cllr. Gary Bennett Local Conservative Councillor for Moreton West & Saughall Massie First elected in May 2023 Served previously in the British Army Councillors
Bobby Cartwright Chair of the Candidate Approvals Committee Birkenhead Constituency Officer Association Officers
Margaret Kalil Deputy Chairman (Membership and Fundraising) Member of the Candidate Approvals Committee Association Officers
Cllr. Ian Lewis Local Conservative Councillor for Wallasey Ward Re-elected in May 2023 Founding trustee of Wallasey Village Library and Community Centre Councillors
Cllr. Lesley Rennie Local Conservative Councillor for Wallasey Ward Re-elected in May 2023 with an increased vote Former police officer in Wallasey Councillors
Cllr. Vida Wilson Local Conservative Councillor for Moreton West & Saughall Massie Re-elected in May 2023 with an increased vote Council appointee to the Saughall Massie Conservation Area Advisory Committee Councillors