Every month, our 300 Club pays out a prize of £100 to a lucky winner drawn at random. The 300 Club also generates a surplus for the local Party to help with our campaigns in this constituency. 100% of the proceeds are used in this way.
Each ticket costs £13 and lasts for the year - guaranteeing entry in 12 draws. You can buy as many tickets as you want and our 300 Club is open to anyone - you don't have to be a Party member to buy a ticket.
Our 300 Club is a great way to help the local Conservatives and give you the chance of winning £100. The draw is being made each month by the Club's registered promoter, Eve Sorrell
There are two ways to buy tickets (in multiples of £13):
The easiest, quickest and safest way is to donate using online banking...
- Account name: Wallasey Conservative Association
- Sort code: 09-01-54
- Account number: 00424487
If you prefer to donate by cheque...
- Send a cheque, payable to 'Wallasey Conservative Association', to WCA, PO Box 269, WIRRAL CH29 9GB - and write '300 Club' on the reverse, along with your name and address.
- January: ticket number 61, Mr. J.T., Wallasey Ward
- February: ticket number 20, Mrs A.S., Moreton West & Saughall Massie Ward
- March: ticket number 15, Mrs S.H., Wallasey Ward
- April: ticket number 175, Mr. D. H., Wallasey Ward
- May: ticket number 184, Mrs J.H., Leasowe & Moreton East Ward
- June: ticket number 164, Mrs A.W., Liscard Ward
- July: ticket number 89, Mr M.C., Wallasey Ward
- August: ticket number 153, Mrs P., Hoylake
- September: ticket number 63, Mrs V, Liscard Ward
- October: ticket number 159, Cllr Ian Lewis, Wallasey Ward
- November: ticket number 191, Mr W B, Liscard Ward
- December: ticket number 211, Miss H J, Claughton Ward