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Tomorrow night/Sunday/Sunday night:
- Outbreaks of snow will spread northwards on Saturday night, starting off in Cheshire approx. mid-Saturday evening, currently expected to reach Cumbria/NE England towards the back end of Saturday night.
- The duration, intensity and thus accumulation of the snow will vary considerably from place to place.
- Through Sunday morning milder air will be trying to push up from the south. Current forecast data suggest it could penetrate southern parts of NW England but is unlikely to reach Cumbria/NE England. The effect of this milder air intrusion will be to turn the snow to rain or worse, freezing rain for a time. The extent and duration of freezing rain are hard to gauge with any accuracy for now but the likes of Cheshire, Merseyside, Greater Manchester and possibly Lancashire are those areas most at risk. Any duration of freezing rain could result in ice accretion to add to the issues resulting from snow accumulation. This is something that will be monitored very closely between now and onset.
- Precipitation (of whatever form) will likely become more fragmented later on Sunday into Sunday night as the weather system eventually starts to clear out in to the North Sea, the last of it probably getting away Monday morning.
- Housing Options Team: 0151 666 5511 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
- 0151 677 6557 Out-of-hours service (inc. weekends/holidays)
- Wirral Rough Sleeper Outreach Team 07821125119 [email protected]
- Anyone who has concerns over someone sleeping rough can contact Streetlink Tell us about someone sleeping rough - StreetLink
- Gritting crews have been out for the past two nights and will continue to be on standby as the increased colder weather sweeps in.
- The road surface temperatures are predicted to drop to below freezing over the next couple of nights. Officers will monitor the situation and respond accordingly with 24/7 cover on hand.
- Should snow fall, the team will monitor impact and shift resources to react as and when needed.
- Our fleet of ten gritters spreads a total of 2,100 tonnes of salt in an average winter. Find out more about our gritting routes.
- No major concerns recorded as a result of inclement weather today. No domestic refuge collection is scheduled for the weekend and street cleansing will continue, with caution.
- The team will liaise with Biffa on Monday morning to assess the situation and respond accordingly.
- We continue to monitor the potential knock-on effects of the weekend weather into Monday morning. Schools are all aware of the protocol should the weather necessitate staying closed.
- SEND transport: communications are lined up should all/ part of SEND transport be stood down on Monday. This would be only if absolutely necessary.
- Expected low temperatures are likely to result in increased use of health care services by vulnerable people and an increase in risk to health for individuals aged 65 years and over, those with pre-existing health conditions (including respiratory and cardiovascular diseases) and some other vulnerable groups, such as those sleeping rough.
- UKHSA has published guidance for the public on staying safe during periods of cold weather.
- Link to the assets include easyread, BSL video and print versions.
- Emergency - immediate risk to life = 999
- Police non-emergency = 101
- Streetscene (report issues on the public highway) = 0151 606 2004 (9am-5pm, Mon-Fri) or 0151 647 7810 (out of hours)
- Utilities - to report power outages = 105
Residents are advised that the council's social media channels are not the place to report a problem. Most issues can be reported via our website.
Check out the Met Office website for further updates and advice