Following appalling and scurrilous campaigning by Labour in Liverpool, local Conservative candidates in the Wallasey constituency are signing up to the 'Civility Pledge' organised by the Jo Cox Foundation.
The pledge states:
Ahead of the May local elections, we are taking the Jo Cox Foundation's Civility Pledge. We will run a respectful campaign, foster constructive democratic debate and demonstrate compassion.
Campaigning for respectful politics is a key part of their work to make change on the issues that Jo Cox was passionate about. Jo was renowned for her ability to forge cross-party relationships and to work collaboratively with those of opposing political views.
The Jo Cox Foundation seeks to end the abuse and intimation that discourages so many from entering political life.
Robust debate and scrutiny are essential aspects of our democratic process; abuse and intimidation shouldn’t have to be. Abuse can make elected representatives feel they need to step down and put potential future candidates off standing altogether. Women, in particular, suffer a disproportionate level of this behaviour. We all have a responsibility to challenge this.
If you are an elected representative (or candidate) and have ideas related to how we tackle abuse and intimidation in politics, please complete their call for submissions to help them gather a range of perspectives and ideas.