Thank you to those residents in Saughall Massie and Moreton who have been in touch since we started delivering our summer Newsline.
One of the big issues remains the threat to our Green Belt. Developers have submitted counter proposals to the Council's long-awaited draft Local Plan. If approved, these counter proposals would see more than 1,000 houses built on Green Belt around Saughall Massie.
The Local Plan examination hearings, which paused after the first two weeks to allow the Leverhulme Appeal to take place will resume in September. In the meantime, the council has been responding to additional information put forward by the 'consortium' of developers.
The documents are on the Examination web pages in the post examination section and have the following references:
- ADO1 Viability Response
- AD02 Other developable Areas (covers justification for the housing numbers in the ‘other developable areas’ ie non allocated sites)
- AD03- Public Funding (covers public funding sources to support brownfield regeneration)
- AD04 – Housing Market analysis (covers evidence to support the fact that developers are keen to build in the regeneration areas)
- AD05 Housing supply- (covers evidence to support the delivery of housing on allocated sites plus assumptions for housing numbers)
- AD06- Affordable Housing (covers evidence to demonstrate the rate of affordable housing delivery in the Borough)
- There is also an executive summary report
The next block of Local Plan Hearings...
The next Local Plan hearings are scheduled to commence on 12th September. The Inspectors will sit on 12,13,14th September, 3rd and 4th October and then 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 26, 31st October and 1st and 2nd November. All the second block hearing sessions will be held at Birkenhead Town Hall, unless the Inspectors decide to hold any particular sessions online.
Only those who have submitted formal representations to the submitted plan and have registered their request can speak at the hearings.
If the Inspectors find the final Local Plan to be ’sound’ and legally compliant, then subject to any modifications they recommend, the council will be required to approve and adopt the final version of the Local Plan which the council will then use to determine individual planning applications.
Your three local councillors in Moreton West and Saughall Massie do NOT support building on Green Belt around our community. We believe the draft Local Plan will provide the homes that people need, in the places were regeneration is long overdue, without building on green fields.
Councillor Vida Wilson said: "Colin, Gary and I know how much our local Green Belt matters. 1,000 more houses in Saughall Massie means more traffic on roads, longer waiting times at local GPs and dentists and more pressure on schools.
"We will continue to work to keep residents informed and to maintain pressure on the council and others to protect our Green Belt."